Mary Frances
This stunning tropical floral handbag is sure to give you the travel bug! A beaded black base is adorned with rich bead colors, as the flowers appear in different shades pink, blue, gold, and green. This hand-beaded, genuine leather handbag can be used to carry all your essentials with a playful and perky sense of style. Along with an inside pocket for easy access, this product has a zipper closure to keep your wallet, cell phone, keys, and more safer than ever.
About Mary Frances Accessories
Mary Frances beaded and embellished designer handbags, crossbody phone bags and accessories fuse whimsy with elegance, femininity with functionality. Richly embellished with opulent natural stones, rhinestones, studs, beads, crystals and trims from all over the world, each purse is handcrafted in intricate detail. Mary Frances Accessories contributes to the protection of the Amazon Rain Forest for the future of our planet and children."Creating a sustainable future that works for all".